St. John extends a warm welcome to you and your family. We invite you to visit with us this Sunday here on our campus or via our Live Stream. This is a place where we are Loving God, Loving People and Making Disciples.
Click Here For This Week's Sermon Notes
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Join us for worship:
5445 Greenwood Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78417
(361) 855-9351
St. John Virtual New Members Class
This class is the basic introduction to our church family and is required for church membership. This class is also designed for those interested in learning more about St. John. If you would like to take the class, download the New Members Class Handbook then view each video session.
Virtual Session Video Links:
Introduction - Welcome to the New Members Class
Session 1 - Ministry Overview, Our Salvation, Baptism, Lord's Supper/Communion
Session 2 - Purpose Statement, Statement of Faith, Our Lifestyle Statement
Session 3 - Our Strategy
Session 4 - Our Structure, Ministry Opportunities, Membership